
The need is great. The time is now. The mission is clear. We won’t stop until people from every nation are healed, until missionaries and pastors around the globe are restored, until families from every nation are strengthened and communities across the globe flourish. We know we can’t reach every person, family and community, but with great resolve and focus, we will move forward, being faithful over what is given to us and going after what isn’t.

But we can’t do it alone! Would you partner with us in the mission? We are looking for prayer partners, financial partners and volunteers.

Prayer Partner: We are looking for faithful men and women who will pray earnestly for the work being done around the globe to bring healing and restoration to many. We will be sending out regular communication with specific prayer points. We are looking for 1,000 faithful prayer warriors who will commit to pray daily. Click here to join the prayer partner team.

Financial Partner: To continue the work of healing and restoration both locally and across the globe, it requires monetary support as well. More financial resources allow us to expand into new and needed areas. Would you consider making a one-time gift or being a monthly financial partner? If you wish to partner financially click here.